
The Biggest Fitness Secret: You Can Lose Body Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time

Many fitness programs or fitness articles tell you that it is impossible to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

Many fitness programs or fitness articles tell you that it is impossible to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

But it is possible to actually gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

And this process has an official name: "Body composition"

We all know that this is a controversial topic in the fitness and bodybuilding industry because many people don't believe that you can actually achieve body composition.

We are analysing various studies and using human studies to prove the doubters wrong.

We will look at: What body composition is; the results of the studies; the keys to success; and the conclusions.

What is body composition?

Body composition is a process of losing body fat and gaining muscle at the same time.

As we have mentioned, it is very difficult, which is why many trainers take the "Easy way out" And tell you that it is not possible.

Who can achieve body composition?

One type of person who is unlikely to achieve body composition is a beginner with a very lean body (low body fat), because but if you are already lean, why lose fat?

Therefore, those who have too much body fat; or those who have previously been in great shape and have not trained over a period of several months. They lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with the best results.

If you fall into either of these categories, you should want to read on.


This is the part that the sceptics will want to explore. You will be pleased to know that body restructuring has been shown to be effective in human studies.

Study 1

One particular case study included 24 athletes who completed four resistance training sessions per week while following an energy-restricted diet (with a goal of 0.7% weight loss per week).

At the end of the study, these athletes had lost weight and fat mass, while gaining lean body mass and increasing their maximum strength.

Study 2

Another study proved that body composition is very possible.

To do this, eight elite-level gymnasts, performed challenging exercises while following a strict calorie-restricted diet.

Thirty days after the start of the study, the participants had lost weight and fat mass, while there was a small increase in lean muscle mass.

Study 3

Remember how we mentioned that those with excess body fat were more likely to achieve body composition than others?

Another foreign study found an experiment using 24 physically overweight police officers.

Over a 12-week period, while maintaining regular training and a calorie-restricted diet, the participants managed to lose an average of 2.5 kg of body fat. However, the police officers also showed significant increases in strength and muscle mass.

As a result, this is by far the most successful case of body restructuring we have ever seen.

The key to success

You should be pretty sure that body restructuring is now possible, so we will go on to give you some key tips to help you succeed.

If you are overweight, this may be the only time we say you are in great shape.

Or, if you work out regularly in the gym but have given yourself a few months off, then you will be in an equally advantageous position to achieve a body restructure.

The following are key points on body restructuring.

Lose 0.7% of your body weight per week: Research shows that this is the optimal percentage of weight loss to achieve body restructuring.

Eat a high-protein, clean diet: You need to keep a tight rein on your diet, eat clean, high-protein foods and avoid junk food to be successful.

Don't eat too little: When you need to follow a calorie restricted diet, make sure you eat enough or you'll end up losing muscle.

Strength training: In order to increase your strength and lean body mass (pure muscle) while losing body fat, studies have shown that strength training is the best option.

Nutritional advice for body composition

Our advice to those interested in body composition is to lose 0.7% of your body weight per week. This is because in human studies this has always been the ideal amount.

However, while following a calorie restricted diet, it is easy to be 'too strict' with yourself and end up eating too little.

Don't eat less than your planned calorie limit

You may be thinking "Eating less will help me lose body fat faster". While this may be true, it also means that you will lose a lot of muscle mass, which you will then want to regain and get stuck in a vicious 'lose weight and get bigger' cycle, with the result that you keep losing too much muscle and gaining back too much fat.

For this reason, it is actually important that you eat to your planned calorie limit.

However, everyone's intake will vary because their basal metabolism is different, so it's best to find a professional nutritionist to help you find the right amount. It may also be possible to find the right amount of intake for a 0.7% reduction per week (mainly in terms of carbohydrate and fat intake) by having your weight tested daily

Maintain a high protein intake

Everyone knows the importance of protein when it comes to losing weight or building muscle. Countless studies have addressed this point and there is nothing to refute it.

That is why it is so important to maintain a protein intake of more than 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, for example, an 80 kg person needs a minimum of 120 grams of protein per day.

This will ensure that you are able to increase your strength and lean body mass (pure muscle) while reducing body fat.

If you do not consume enough protein, you will find it difficult to achieve body composition.

It is usually those who are naturally thin who say that "Body composition" Is impossible.

But that's because their low body fat makes it almost impossible. Studies have shown that those with excess body fat, or those who don't take the time to go to the gym, are the most likely to achieve both fat loss and muscle gain.

We have given you the necessary advice, drawn from human studies, to prove that body restructuring is possible. So, it is up to you to work towards it.

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