
What Do You Need To Look Out For During My Morning Workout? Do This To Get Your Workout Done Easily

Get up 30 minutes early every day for your morning workout and improve your body through morning exercise. Regular jogging, jumping exercises, yoga, badminton ...... Enrichment exercises will make life colourful.

Get up 30 minutes early every day for your morning workout and improve your body through morning exercise. Regular jogging, jumping exercises, yoga, badminton ...... Enrichment exercises will make life colourful.

I. What is morning exercise?

What is morning exercise? Morning exercise refers to the exercise that we do in the morning. Because of the busy work schedule of modern people, many people simply do not have time to exercise during the day, so many people will exercise in the morning. Exercising in the morning not only gives us the benefits that exercise brings to us, but also allows us to wake up quickly and get in a good mental state as a way to welcome the new day.

Second, how to complete a scientific morning exercise?

Morning exercise can bring us many benefits, so we must participate in it more often. Getting up half an hour early every morning can give us an adequate morning exercise. How should we do a scientific morning exercise? Let's go through the two aspects of the order of morning exercise and the exercises for morning exercise. Let's learn the key points about morning exercise and have a scientific morning exercise!

(i) order of morning exercise

It is very important to master the order of morning exercise so that we can make our early morning exercise plan scientific! Let's take a look at these four steps to master the correct order of morning exercise and have a good quality of morning exercise!

(1) eat breakfast

What do we need to pay attention to during our morning exercise? First of all, we need to remember that we should not exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If we do not eat anything and go to exercise on a hungry stomach, it will raise the level of fatty acids in the blood, which will affect the health of the heart. In the long run, it may also trigger hypoglycaemia, etc. So we must consume some easily digestible food before our morning workout to give our body the energy it needs to consume directly when we do our morning workout.

Next let me recommend some foods that are suitable for consumption in the morning. We can choose these foods as providing our body with the energy to start the new day.

1, oatmeal bread: Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which can help us accelerate the peristalsis of the digestive system, improve indigestion, help weight loss, etc.. Bread is rich in carbohydrates, which can help us to have a better state of mind and make us feel better when we do our morning exercises.

2、vegetables and fruit salad: Vegetables and fruit are rich in dietary fibre and also in vitamins, which provide the body with important nutrients and energy and are essential for us to consume.

3. Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein for the body, as they contain good quality protein and can be consumed regularly to help build up the various functions of the body and also to give us a better mental state.

(2) perform a warm-up

In addition to this, we need to warm up properly before our morning workout, which is a very important preparation for exercise. If you prepare well, you will be in a good shape when you do your formal exercise. If you do nothing to prepare, you may not be healthy and may suffer from sports injuries.

What do we need to be aware of when warming up? Next let's look at this noteworthy point: Many people are rushed in the morning and it's good enough to squeeze in a morning workout, let alone make time for a deliberate warm-up. Many people will choose to skip the warm-up and go straight to the exercise, but this is a serious mistake, and if you don't warm up, you can very easily cause injuries. Not only should we warm up, but we should also allow our bodies to get fully warmed up, not less than eight minutes per warm up. Don't mind the long warm-up time, we can also exercise our bodies while we are warming up, so we must be well prepared.

(3) choose gentle exercises

We also need to choose the exercise program for our morning exercise. Choosing the right exercise program will allow us to have a good exercise effect. We try to choose gentle exercises in the morning, such as aerobic exercises, and not those that are more vigorous, such as anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercise should be performed for 20 to 40 minutes, a few minutes to allow the aerobic exercise to give its full benefits.

(4) stretching after exercise

We need to do proper stretching after exercise, but exercise not only helps our body to get rid of soreness, it also allows our body to improve its flexibility. When our body becomes pliable, we are less prone to injury when exercising. In addition, proper stretching exercises can also help to beautify the curves of our body and give us a nice muscular shape.

(2) recommended morning exercise programme

Here is a good set of aerobic exercises that are relatively gentle and very easy to do, which can help our bodies get a relaxing workout. This set of exercises will not feel too strong even if we do it in the morning.

Movement 1: Warrior 3

Recommended to perform 3 sets, 1 set of 15

Movement 2: Lunge stretch

Recommended for 3 sets, 1 set of 15

Movement 3: Golden chicken stand

Recommended to perform 3 sets of 1 set of 15

Movement 4: Warrior one pose

Recommended to perform 3 sets of 1 set of 15

Movement 5: Chair pose

Recommended for 3 sets, 1 set of 15

The normal movements can be performed consistently to help our body get a good workout. When performing this set, we should be at our best and perform every movement in place.

This is what we need to pay attention to during our morning workout. If you want to complete a scientific and complete morning workout, you must choose the tutorials presented in this article and get serious about it! As long as you are able to keep working out, you are sure to reap all sorts of benefits and you will find yourself getting in better shape and in better health.

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