
Kayla Hastings, a 90-Year-Old Online Fitness Trainer From Australia

Nowadays, as the public is paying more and more attention to the external body, the fitness industry has emerged. Especially some fitness bloggers and experts who share their experiences and methods online and actively interact with their fans are sometimes more influential than the trainers in the gym!

Aug 24, 2024

Adhere To The Early Morning Running For 1 Month, What Changes Will You Happen?

For ordinary people, if you keep waking up in the morning, running or exercising every day, what will your life path be like?

Aug 21, 2024

She Started To Contact Yoga At The Age Of 15, Used Yoga To Heal "Bulimia", And Now She Is The Most Beautiful Yoga Instructor

She was born in falkland islands and moved to england when she was 15 years old and started to practice yoga.

Aug 20, 2024

Those Who Insist On Fitness For More Than Ten Years, What Is Their Motivation For Fitness?

Fitness need motivation? This is certainly, every thing actually need motivation, is the daily boring work is also need motivation, motivation of course because poor, no money, mortgage car loan, in short, all kinds of motivation constitutes every thing we do now.

Aug 18, 2024

The Secret Of Having a Good Body

The biggest difference between men and women physically is that men can have more strength, and women are ultimately worse off if they don't have extremely high characteristics in terms of strength exercises.

Aug 17, 2024

The 5 Ways To Fill You With Fitness Motivation

A car needs to be maintained after a certain number of miles; a battery, no matter how powerful, will run out of power after a period of time. The human body is not a machine, fitness, is not the same thing? In the long term training program, encounter physical fatigue, power is certainly inevitable.

Aug 13, 2024

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