
Search Results for: Yoga

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Learn Leg-Slimming Moves From Scratch

It is the dream of all women to have a pair of long, firm and slender legs. But thin legs are not the only thing that makes a leg beautiful. Firm thigh muscles, well-proportioned calf muscles and natural leg muscle lines are what make a leg truly beautiful.

Sep 09, 2024

Four movements to play with the medicine ball and burn body fat

The medicine ball because of its own heavy weight, resulting in many people in the use of the medicine ball either fall or smash, after all, this bulky medicine ball is still very flexible. It looks thick and heavy it is actually to summarize the very old training equipment, but also the source of gaining muscle strength, which is very important for fitness!

Sep 07, 2024

Auxiliary Tools Are The Best Teacher For Yoga Practice,Let’s Learn About The Commonly Used Auxiliary Tools

Yoga aids can make the posture more relaxed. Of course, in addition to using aids to simplify the pose. It can also make the poses more difficult or even make them more interesting.

Sep 07, 2024

Yoga Fish Pose To Stretch Your Back And Expand Your Chest!

Matsyasana, also known as fish pose, improves flexibility and muscle strength. If you want to stretch your back, expand your chest and increase flexibility, then fish pose is a great choice! Improves thyroid function, digestion, breathing problems, improves posture and relieves stress...

Sep 04, 2024

What Is Flow Yoga?

Flow yoga is a very popular genre among yoga practitioners because the movements are choreographed in a flowing manner, leaving a feeling of well-being after practicing. Breath by breath, movement by movement, it will let the body energy gradually rise and flow throughout the body with the asana, it is also an excellent way to improve body awareness, balance strength and flexibility.

Sep 03, 2024

How Much Weight Is On The Head In a Yoga Headstand?

Headstand is a common pose in yoga. In this position, the body is completely inverted and the head is placed on the floor. Some people find it interesting to practice the inversion pose, while some people feel fearful because of the fear of falling and getting injured.

Sep 03, 2024

Kettlebells, a Very Good Training Equipment, Do Not Miss It!

When it comes to the most compact training tools in fitness sports, i believe kettlebells are definitely what many people will think of, but what kind of training effect do kettlebells actually give us?

Sep 02, 2024

5 Pilates Movements, 10 Minutes a Day, Not Only To Help Slim Down, But Also To Increase The "Fun"

Pilates, many people are not unfamiliar with it. Many female celebrities are practicing pilates. So, what exactly is pilates?

Aug 28, 2024

A Super Testing Arm, Core Strength Yoga Firefly Pose, Have You Unlocked It Yet?

Firefly pose is a physically demanding pose. Raising the pelvis so that the thighs are parallel to the floor requires a strong core, hip flexors and arms. It also requires energy and concentration. It is recommended to be practised when you are energetic and feel very well.

Aug 27, 2024

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