
Search Results for: Yoga

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How To End The Sagging Skin When You Lose Weight And Lose Weight But Your Skin Become To Loose

Losing weight must be one of the best things you can do for your health. However, losing a lot of fat and weight usually comes with a problem, and that is sagging skin. Today we will talk about what causes sagging skin and how to get rid of it.

Mar 25, 2023

How Can i Go Deeper In Yoga Standing Forward Bends?

In the ashtanga vinyasa practice we start with a bhajana and then a series of standing asanas. Today we are talking about two standing forward bends.

Mar 10, 2023

15 Rare Old Yoga Photos That Take You Through The History Of Yoga!

Nowadays yoga is a fashionable exercise for weight loss and shaping in the eyes of many people, and you can enjoy all kinds of beautiful yoga photos as soon as you open your mobile phone and computer.

Mar 09, 2023

Slow Progress In Yoga Practice? See If There Are Any Of These Bad Habits When Practicing Yoga

We all have bad habits. So we can have bad habits when practising yoga. For a more effective practice, the following bad yoga habits should be changed.

Mar 08, 2023

Having Practiced Yoga For So Long, Do You Know What Is The “Bandha” And How To Use It?

In sanskrit, the word bandha means 'lock' or 'seal'. Yogis use certain muscles to form these seals to prevent prana from escaping the body. If practised correctly, they can also help to stabilise your core during asana practice and keep you safe from injury.

Mar 07, 2023

A Modern Genre Classification Of Yoga, It's So Complete!

Look at a yoga studio's schedule and you will see many different types of yoga, from ashtanga and kundalini to aerial yoga and more. There are even some more modern and less common styles: Paddle board yoga, for example.

Mar 06, 2023

Yoga Rest, Primary Meditation, Rejuvenation, Stress Relief And Sleep Aid!

If you practice yoga consistently, you may know something about meditation. It can be a short practice in class or you can practice it alone. However, many people don't know much about yoga nidra.

Mar 05, 2023

What Are The Best Stretches To Improve Fitness Results? These Are The "5 Types" You Should Know About

In recent years, the topic of fitness has become very popular, many people want to have a perfect body, no matter where they go, can get the attention of others, now no matter boys and girls, all want to have the perfect abdominal muscle curve.

Mar 04, 2023

Can't Do Yoga Pigeon Pose Well? Try This Exercise!

One legged king pigeon is my favourite backbend asana. It opens up the hip flexors, external rotators, chest, spine and shoulders at the same time. To start the exercise. You can use a yoga strap to assist, or if your body is too stiff, place a yoga block under your front leg.

Mar 03, 2023

A super simple exercise that flexes the spine and has many benefits for regular practice

"Sufi Circles" is a simple sitting posture in Kundalini Yoga. It is also known as "Sufi Grinds" or "Sufi Circles". Specifically, you rotate your upper body (torso) around the axis of your body. This unassuming warm-up has many benefits - your spine and hips will gain more flexibility. For lovers of meditation, they are a path to stillness. Each turn makes you lighter, and you may even experience a rooted meditative state.

Feb 20, 2023

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