
Don't Make Excuses For Training! What Are Some Of The Tricks That High Achievers Rely On To Make Their Arms Consistently Bigger?

You'll be able to grow your arms an extra 2cm, and you won't waste any time if you have it! If you don't have much time, you should use supersets to make your arms thicker and fuller!

Arms on display
Do you encounter a lot of inevitability? It's hard to avoid working late, it's hard to avoid attending events outside, and it's even harder to avoid traveling to another city. ...... Those who like fitness will have a "Bad habit", even if they are short of time, they will try to practice by all means.
You'll be able to grow your arms an extra 2cm, and you won't waste any time if you have it! If you don't have much time, you should use supersets to make your arms thicker and fuller!

One arm dumbbell curls
Arm training tips used by the best
Complete the movement in a standard position, combining heavy and light weights. Always warm up Well before performing the larger weights.
Do as many sets and reps as possible to get a small amount of pump in your arms, then slowly increase the weight with each set, it is easy to injure yourself if you use very heavy weights right away.

Arm demonstrations
Training starts with rope pulldowns and rope curls, allowing the movement to move lighter weights at constant tension throughout the range of motion. Concentrate on reading and moving in unison, focus on squeezing the muscles, mobilise only the triceps and biceps, pump a lot of blood into the target muscles, tendons and joints to prevent injury.
Make sure you consume some food 20-30 minutes before training, consume sufficient carbohydrates during the bulking period, bring protein powder, branched chain amino acids and creatine. After training, supplement to make the most of the anabolic window.

Arms display
Arm superset workout 1 - tricep pulldowns with rope curls
bend the bar to do rope pulldowns with a wider grip and in rope curls, use a butt grip. By using a wider grip in rope pulldowns, target the long head of the triceps more, which is usually overlooked in rope pulldowns.
Targeting the long head can also be accomplished by leaning your body slightly forward during the pull down, which we will address in the next movement.

Bent bar chest press down
When doing supersets, there is no rest between the two movements. In this case there is no rest between the rope pull down and the rope bend, except for the time it takes to move the pulley from a high to a low position. After doing these two movements, you can take a rest before starting the start of the next set.

Rope curls
Arm superset workout 2 - overhead dumbbell arm curls and dumbbell hammer curls
like the previous supersets, add weight to each set. Choose a weight that can be completed for 20 reps to start both movements. You can perform each movement with a different weight, starting with 20kg dumbbells for arm curls and increasing all the way up to 30kg or heavier.
Do overhead arm curls, making sure to use constant tension and do not lock the elbow joint at the highest point of the movement. If locked, it will transfer tension from the triceps to the shoulders through the joints and bones, reducing tension on the triceps.

dumbbell overhead arm curl
similarly, hammer curls ensure that you do not lock out at the lowest point of the movement and pull up before the arm is fully extended. Doing so will ensure that the muscles do not rest between each movement.
One thing to note about overhead arm curls in this arm workout is that arching the back slightly and moving the arm back slightly will then stimulate the long head of the triceps more.

dumbbell hammer curls
arm superset 3 - smith sliding curl and reverse grip barbell overhead arm curl
sliding bends use a wider grip. Drag bends usually take a little time to get used to. It is not actually a bend. Instead, pull the barbell upwards and allow the elbows to move backwards.
The shoulders should not move up or down, do not let the shoulders and obliques pull upwards and make sure they are stable at any stage of the barbell movement. Face the mirror, look at yourself and remind yourself to sink your shoulders.

smith sliding curl
it may be found that leaning your body slightly forward helps to keep the biceps tense, but don't lean forward too much. This is not a reverse grip row, it is a variation of the curl.
Arm superset workout 4 - rope overhead arm curl and single arm rope pull down
most guys will put the anchor point of the rope to the lowest point of the gantry, not far from the floor, but once the weight is increased it is difficult to pull the rope up. So, by setting the anchoring point of the rope at waist height, the movement becomes much easier to start and finish and less likely to cause a back strain.

rope overhead arm curl
for rope overhead arm curls, separate the rope at the highest point of the movement and squeeze the triceps at the highest point of the range of motion. Do this as many times as possible.
Immediately after finishing, set the rope fixation point at the highest position and grab the rope for a one arm pull down. If you don't have a one-arm rope, tie a loose knot in a standard rope so that you have a grip. Keeping your shoulders parallel to the ground and without tilting the side of your body trained, naturally pull the rope down and slightly away from your body.

single arm rope chest pull down
arm superset workout 5 - standing dumbbell alternating curl with overhead dumbbell curl
alternate dumbbell curls, making sure you don't lean back and don't throw the dumbbells up to complete the movement. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete 8-12 reps. Use a standard stance to avoid bouncing the legs off the borrowed weight and focus on contracting the biceps throughout the arm workout, and this movement is no exception.

alternating dumbbell curls
for the upward incline dumbbell curl, use a 45 degree upward incline bench and make the arms open outward to simulate a wide grip barbell curl, in addition, keep the upper arms slightly back and locked.
This is one of the reasons for using a lighter weight for this movement. The arms will be "Blown out" At this point, so it is best to use a lighter weight and concentrate on muscle contraction.

upper incline dumbbell curl
training schedule
training movements sets repetitions
super set 11 20/20
1a. Bent bar rope pull down 2 20/20
1b. Rope curl3 18/16
4 14/12
5 12
superset 21 20/20
2a. Overhead dumbbell arm curl2 18/16
2b. Dumbbell hammer curl3 14/12
4 12/8-12

reverse grip barbell arm curls
exercises sets repetitions
super set 31 20/20
3a. Smith curl 2 18/16
3b. Reverse grip barbell overhead arm curl 3 14/12
4 12/8-12
superset 41 20/20
4a. Rope overhead arm curl 2 16/16
4b. Single arm triple overhead arm curl3 14/14
4 12/12

alternating dumbbell curls
exercises sets repetitions
super set 51 12/20
5a. Standing dumbbell alternating curl 2 10/16
5b. Upward inclined dumbbell curl 3 8/12
4 6/10-12

single arm dumbbell resting arm curl
it's not an empty phrase to improve arm circumference in a very short time, all 5 supersets are worth trying, even if you're not pressed for time, it's time for you to break the bottleneck, high density training to grow arms that haven't progressed for a long time!

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